Super Mario Maps

This is a Super Mario map made using a Google Maps API Tutorial to learn more about using and implementing map APIs into projects.


Lessons Learned

This tutorial helped me understand:

  • How to make my own map ID
  • How to style a map
  • How to add markers to a map
  • How to customise a marker
  • Basic geocaching principles

I am now confident implementing map functionality to apps using a variety of map APIs using what I've learnt from this tutorial.

I experimented with this tutorial in order to research whether Google Maps API would be the best map API to implement over other options such as Leaflet API. While I thought the documentation was clear and easy to navigate, we decided to implement Leaflet in our end of course project (see: here) due to similar functionality and it being free to use. This was important to us as we wanted to avoid accidental charges during development.