I joined the #100DaysOfAlgorithm Challenge.

To join the Challenge read Lets Join the #100DaysOfAlgorithm and get started.


Who can join the Challenge ?

Anyone who are passionate about coding and can dedicate at least one hour a day for the challenge for next 100 days.

What language should we use to code ?

Its completely up to you. Just choose the language which you think is good for you.

Is there a specific set of Algorithm Problems for the Challenge ?

No. You can work on any set of Challenges you want. If you are not sure how to start check out HackerRank or CodeWars

What if we have to skip a day for some reason ?

If you have to skip a day for some reason then when you resume, the day that you skipped will not be counted as one of your 100 days

List of Participants

This is the list of people who are taking the challenge with link to their main repository.

Ishan Subedi
Usama Hameed
Karthik RP
Varun Upadhyay
Sarah Randall