
This configuration guide is based on the standard drupal installation, the current version of drupal is 7.x. Any issues can be reported to [github] (https://github.com/Bynder/drupal-media-bynder/issues).

For more information please visit www.getbynder.com or contact us at info@getbynder.com

Server Requirements

Curl must be installed and enabled to run the Bynder plugin

Install the media_bynder module

Download the latest release and copy the bynder module to "sites/all/modules" and rename the folder to "media_bynder" if necessary or rename the zip file to "media_bynder" before uploading.

Required Modules

Upload the following required modules into the folder "sites/all/modules", some modules require additional modules to operate!
Versions matter!

Go to the "Modules" panel in your admin view and enable the listed modules.

Bynder Configuration Settings

Bynder API

*Bynder url:* The url to be used by the module to communicate with Bynder. *Bynder oauth consumer:* The oauth consumer to be used by the module to communicate with Bynder. *Bynder oauth consumer secret:* The oauth consumer secret to be used by the module to communicate with Bynder. *Bynder oauth token:* The oauth token to be used by the module to communicate with Bynder. *Bynder oauth token secret:* The oauth token secret to be used by the module to communicate with Bynder.

These settings require a Bynder account, for more information please visit www.getbynder.com

Usage of the module

In order to include media from Bynder into Drupal, go to Content and click the link Media. Here you can click on "Add media from Bynder". Enter a search term and/or click any of the provided facets. Select an image by clicking on it. A confirmation "Successfully added media to Library" will be shown and the media file will be available for usage in the Library.