A C# Library to run external programs / commands in a simpler way. It is inspired from the sh library for Python.
How to get it?
Cmd is available through the Nuget Package Manager.
Or, you can build it from source.
How to use it?
Create a dynamic instance of Cmd:
dynamic cmd = new Cmd();
Now, you can call commands off cmd:
The above would be equivalent to git clone http://github.com/manojlds/cmd
You can pass flags by naming the arguments:
cmd.git.log(grep: "test");
The above would be equivalent to git log --grep test
cmd.git.branch(a: true);
which would be equivalent to git branch -a
Note that single character flags are mapped as -<flag>
and multi-character ones are mapped as --<flag>
Also, non-string values are ignored and if there is no flag, the argument is not considered.
You can call multiple commands off the same instance of cmd:
var gitOutput = cmd.git();
var svnOutput = cmd.svn();
Note that the commands can be case sensitive, and as such cmd.git
is not same as, say, cmd.Git
You can use cmd to run command on, well, cmd and Powershell. Choose the shell you want to use while creating cmd:
dynamic cmd = new Cmd(Shell.Cmd);
dynamic posh = new Cmd(Shell.Powershell);
is equivalent to cmd /c dir
When using Shell.Cmd
, flags are constructed using /
instead of -
and --
Powershell support is still a work in progress.
What's ahead?
cmd is in a very nascent stage. More sh
like goodness coming soon.