
iOS swift project used MVVM

Primary LanguageSwift


This project was developed in MVVM architecture

This project loads the data from the API https://www.fishwatch.gov/api/species

Xcode version used

XCode 13.4.1

Minimum iOS version Supported

iOS 13

Devices Supported


3rd Party Dependency

https://github.com/SDWebImage/SDWebImage This library provides an async image downloader with cache support. For convenience, we added categories for UI elements like UIImageView

To run this project you need to follow these steps:

  1. Need to install cocopods https://cocoapods.org
  2. Then open terminal and navigate to the folder ~/Fish-Species/FishSpecies then use command pod install
  3. If any error occured during installation use command pod install --repo-udpate
  4. After pod installation open ~/Fish-Species/FishSpecies/FishSpecies.xcworkspace in xcode, will be able to run the project

Concepts Covered

  1. MVVM
  2. SOLID principles
  3. Secutiy measures
    • Jail break detection ( Jail break detection code added as extension of UIDevice)

Steps to Test Jail Break code

  1. Navigate to CommonExtensions.swift file and return TRUE in that method.
  2. To test in simulator comment out the line if UIDevice.current.isSimulator { return false }.
  3. Now run the app, you will see alert without okay button, user will be not be able to use the app.

Logic used to detect device is JailBroken

  1. Jail broken app like Cydia app is installed in Device or not
  2. Able to open/write system related file or not

System Requirement

  1. mac OS Monterey
  2. XCode 13

Upcoming improvements

  1. Snapshot for UI testing
  2. Creating seperate package/pod for maintaining UI components and networking
  3. Maintain screen navigation in one place (coordinator pattern)
  4. Async/await or PromiseKit for handling structured async operation


  1. Test Case Execution

Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 4 23 21 PM

  1. Test Case Coverage

Screenshot 2022-12-05 at 4 23 50 PM

  1. App Landing Screen

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 1

  1. App Description Screen

Simulator Screen Shot - iPhone 8 - 2

  1. Screen Recording