
A simple application which can fetch data from open api and show it on the application.

Primary LanguageSwift


A simple application which can fetch data from open api and show it on the application.

Tools & Tech Stack

  • XCode 15
  • iOS Deployment target - 17.0

    Features and Architecture

  • Jailbreak device detections
  • Unit tests
  • MVVM architecture

    Reusable components

  • Profile image

    Frameworks used

  • Foundation
  • SwiftUI
  • Combine
  • XCTest

    App flow

  • Launch the app.
  • If the device is jail broken, user can't use the app.
  • User can exit the application by tapping on the `Exit` button on the alert displayed
  • If the device is not jail broken,
  • List of Marvel heros from web api is shown on the screen.
  • While loading user can notice Progress indicator
  • Tapping on any list row will navigate to next screen
  • On detail screen, user can see the details of the selected hero

    App Screenshots

    App flow

    Jail broken support