An npm module to fetch a file and to verify it against one or more checksums on the fly (supports any hash algorithm supported by node-builtin crypto module).
const verifiedFile = require('verified-file');
srcUri: '',
destUri: '',
// checksums can be provided in a file or directly as a string
checksums: [
uri: '',
algo: 'sha256'
sum: 'aa4ae2abde7b7a8e307a1875d13aa123',
algo: 'md5'
//uriRequestExecuter: function (uri, uriContentStreamHandler, options)
uriRequest: {
/* executer is a callback that you can implement yourself depending on your uri resource types (url, file path, etc.).
* executer should internally write to the writeable stream uriContentStreamHandler.
* executer gets called automatically and passes on the uriRequest.options as options.
executer: function (uri, uriContentStreamHandler, options),
options: uriRequestOptions