
A Lua implementation of http://www.hashids.org

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT



A Lua implementation of hashids.

What is it?

hashids (Hash ID's) creates short, unique, reversible hashes from unsigned integers. Checkout hashids.org for more information about the algorithm.

(NOTE: This is NOT a true cryptographic hash, since it is reversible)

It was designed to use for URL shortening and id obfuscation.

This algorithm tries to satisfy the following requirements:

  1. Hashes must be unique and reversible.
  2. They should be able to contain more than one integer (so you can use them in complex or clustered systems).
  3. You should be able to specify minimum hash length.
  4. Hashes should not contain basic English curse words (since they are meant to appear in public places - like the URL).

Instead of showing items as 1, 2, or 3, you could show them as jR, k5, and l5. You don't have to store these hashes in the database, but can encode/decode on the fly.

All integers need to be greater than or equal to zero.


To install hashids.lua edit the include paths in Makefile to match your system and then type make. After compiling copy the hashids/ folder to your lua lib path usually /usr/local/lib/lua/5.1 or /usr/lib/lua/5.1.

Using hashids without C library

Lua doesn't support string indexing c = str[1]; and strings in Lua are immutable, as a result certain string operations are quite costly. In an attempt to make these more efficient an optional but highly recommended C library is provided.

If speed isn't an issue for you (it likely wont be) you may choose to install hashids.lua without the C library. To do so just rename the file hashids/init.lua to hashids.lua and place it somewhere in your path.



You can pass a unique salt value so your hashes differ from everyone else's. I use this is my salt as an example.

local hashids = require("hashids");
local h = hashids.new("this is my salt")
hash = h:encode(1337)

hash is now going to be Wzo

You can also encode multiple numbers in to one hash. In this example we set the minimum hash length to 8.

local hashids = require("hashids");
local h = hashids.new("this is my salt", 8)
hash = h:encode(1337, 10, 666)

hash is now going to be xZRTxFPx


In order to decode a hash we need to setup hashids with the same parameters used for encoding. In our above example we specified the salt this is my salt so we use that here as well.

local h = hashids.new("this is my salt")
local numbers = h:decode("Wzo")

numbers is now going to be a table { 1 = 1337 }

Decoding a hash made from multiple numbers using a minimum hash length of 8.

local h = hashids.new("this is my salt", 8);
local numbers = h:decode("yamleqbk");

numbers now contains the table { 1 = 1337, 2 = 10, 3 = 666 }

Working with Hexadecimals

The convenience methods encode_hex/decode_hex allow us to work with hexadecimals without first converting them.

local h = hashids.new("this is my salt")
local hash = h:encode_hex("0FF")

hash now contains the string "7WPd"

local h = hashids.new("this is my salt")
local hex = h:decode_hex("7WPd")

hex contains the string "0FF"

The caveat is that all hexadecimals are assumed to be strings. The following will not work

local h = hashids.new("this is my salt")
local hash = h:encode_hex(0x0FF)

Since a hexadecimal is a number you can pass it to encode, but encode and encode_hex will not generate the same result.

local h = hashids.new("this is my salt")
hash = h:encode(0x0FF) -- hash = "K6y"
hash = h:encode_hex("0FF") -- hash = "7WPd"

Custom alphabet

It's also possible to set a custom alphabet for your hashes. The default alphabet contains all lowercase and uppercase letters and numbers.

local h = hashids.new("this is my salt", 8, "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz")

will print yamleqbk

Curses! #$%@

This code was written with the intent of placing created hashes in visible places - like the URL. Which makes it unfortunate if generated hashes accidentally formed a bad word.

Therefore, the algorithm tries to avoid generating most common English curse words. This is done by never placing the following letters next to each other:

c, C, s, S, f, F, h, H, u, U, i, I, t, T



  • Public functions renamed to be more appropriate (encode/decode)
  • Added convenience functions for working with hexadecimals (encode_hex/decode_hex)


  • First version of hashids.lua compatible with Hashids 0.3 except it lacked the hex functions