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Code_tester is a command-line code testing tool used to test your codes against codes of your friends/brute-force code.


Build from Source

  • git clone https://github.com/srbcheema1/code_tester
  • cd code_tester
  • python3 setup.py install --user

Install using pip

linux and mac users
python3 -m pip install --user code_tester

Don't forget ~/.local/bin should be in your PATH. Add line export PATH=$PATH:"~/.local/bin" in your ~/.bashrc

windows users

for windows users you should have python3 installed in your system

python3 -m pip install --user code_tester


srb@srb-pc:$ code_tester --help
usage: code_tester [-h] [-f FILE] [-o OTHER] [-t TEST] [-i ID] [-n NUM]
                   [-s SEC] [-c]
                   [legacy [legacy ...]]

positional arguments:
  legacy                legacy way of args

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file FILE  Input file name, ex: one.cpp
  -o OTHER, --other OTHER
                        Other input file name, ex: brute.cpp
  -t TEST, --test TEST  Test generator, ex: testgen.py
  -i ID, --id ID        Unique_id, ex: 111
  -n NUM, --num NUM     Maximum number of test cases, ex: 1000
  -s SEC, --sec SEC     Maximum time in seconds for a test file, ex: 4
  -c, --clean           Clean the files generated by tester

Argument --test may contain a testcase-generator which outputs a testcase OR a custom testcase txt file.

srb@srb-pc:$ code_tester -f one.cpp -o brute_one.cpp -t testgen.py -n 500
tested 100
tested 200
tested 300
tested 400
tested 500
passed 500 testcases

srb@srb-pc:$ code_tester wrong.cpp brute.cpp testgen.py
Difference detected in outputs
---------Failed Test Case----------
10 11 4
1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1

---------End of Test Case----------
first difference in line 3
| # | wrong.cpp | brute.cpp |
| 1 | 2         | 2         |
| 2 | 4         | 4         |
| 3 | 3         | 4         |

Smart enough

  • smart enough to detect that 1 is same as 1.0
  • able to detect and ignore difference of less than 1e-6 in float values
  • able to ignore trailing white spaces
srb@srb-pc:$ code_tester wrong.cpp brute.cpp testgen.py
Difference detected in outputs
---------Failed Test Case----------
5 1
13 9
15 2
11 10
16 2
18 9
17 16
13 2
16 16
19 16

---------End of Test Case----------
first difference in line 8
| #  | wrong.cpp   | brute.cpp |
| 1  | 0.33333333  | 0.3333333 |    ignore percision differences smaller than 1e-6
| 2  | 1.00000000  | 1         |    it will detect values are same in 1.0, 1.000 and 1
| 3  | 0.25000000  | 0.2500000 |
| 4  | 1.00000000  | 1         |
| 5  | 0.25000000  | 0.2500000 |
| 6  | 1.00000000  | 1         |
| 7  | 0.14285714  | 0.1428571 |    this line is not marked as diff(smart to detect negligible change)
| 8  | 0.33333333  | 0.2500000 |    this one is 7th line which actually differs
| 9  | 1.00000000  | 1         |
| 10 | 1.00000000  | 1         |

Supported Languages

  • c++
  • c
  • python3
  • java
  • ruby

Contact / Social Media

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Developed by

Developer / Author: Srb Cheema