- string to integer
- res = std::stoi(str)
- integer to string
- res = std::to_string(x)
- reverse string
- std::reverse(str.begin(),str.end())
- string to char array
- const char * a = str.c_str() // this returns const pointer
- char a[str.size() + 1];
- strcpy(a,str.c_str()] // copy const c_string into non-const c_string
- char array to string
- char a[] = "helloworld";
- std::string res = std::string(a)
- substring of string
- string a = str.substr(i,l) // here it does [i,i+l)
- check if char is digit, alpha or alphanumeric
- isdigit(ch), isalpha(ch), isalnum(ch)
- copy a vector into another
- another_vec.assign(vec.begin(),vec.end())
- assign will erase old content of the another_vec that is assigned.
- another_vec.assign(vec.begin(),vec.end())
- fill a vector with some number
- std::fill(vec.begin(),vec.end(),0)
- std::fill(vec.begin(),vec.end(),vector(m,0)) // fill 2D array with 0.
- reverse access of vector
- for(auto x = vec.rbegin(); x != vec.rend(); x++) // note
here, incrementing reverse iterator goes back
- for(auto x = vec.rbegin(); x != vec.rend(); x++) // note
, REMEMBER WORD FIRST- upper bound is FIRST greater than element
- lower bound is FIRST greater than or equals to
- these both are same when element is not found
- difference of both tell us number of times an element is present
- HACK-TO-REMEMBER: remember in both the definitions there is word "first"
- there are 4 things possible, first smaller, first smaller equal, first greater, first greater equals
- just feel first smaller and first smaller equal has got no significance. as they may always be element 0 mostly.
- By default priority queue is max_heap, it can be created as min heap by providing std::greater as comparator:
- std::priority_queue<int, std::vector, std::greater> minHeap;
- In case of custom comparator, we need to declare a struct :
- struct CustomComparator {bool operator()(const int& a, const int& b) const {return a > b;}}; // min_heap
- By default sort is ascending
- you can provide std::greater() or custom function that returns boolean as custom comparator.
- iterate over map
- instead of using for each loop use:
- for(map<int,int>::iterator x = freq.begin(); x!=freq.end(); x++) int a = x->first, b = x->second;
- remember that we cant use comparision operator sometimes, always write
- remember that we cant use comparision operator sometimes, always write
- for(map<int,int>::iterator x = freq.begin(); x!=freq.end(); x++) int a = x->first, b = x->second;
- instead of using for each loop use:
- assign value
- bitset<5> a(3); // gets value 3 .. i.e "00011"
- a = bitset<5>(5); // assigns value to 5 ... i.e "00101"
- select elem
- a[1] = 1; a[0]^=1; // here
0 stands for least significant bit
- a[1] = 1; a[0]^=1; // here
- print bitset
- cout << a << endl; // same as
, prints in reverse order, 0th bit at last. here "00110" is 6.
- cout << a << endl; // same as
- convert to integer
- a.to_ulong() // to convert into unsigned long
- a.to_ullong() // to convert into unsigned long long
- NOTE: always while playing with bitset try to use unsigned long long.
- pass 2d array to function
- instead of passing 2D array to function declare a global array and use it.
- declare 2d array
- a = [[0] * cols for _ in range(rows)]
- a = [[0] * cols] * rows # wrong way coz inner arrays are reffering to same array.
- reverse an array or string
- arr = arr[::-1] # -1 means step backword, hence it starts from last element and ends till first.
- Binary search:
while(l<=r) { mid = (l+r)/2; if(cond) {mid = l+1;} else {mid = r-1;}}
- hash:
hash<string> hasher; size_t hash_val = hasher(s);