
Source code of core octotron system

Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT

Octotron core repository

This is a core of Octotron system - all sources needed to build octotron.jar, that is used in the basic Octotron distribution. You will not need those files for usual work with the system.

Visit http://github.com/srcc-msu/octotron if you want to get started with Octotron - a framework for modeling and operational control of complex computer system.


  • JDK 1.7, Maven
  • (Optional) make

Building and testing with maven

Build jar with all dependencies and run unit tests use next commands:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
mvn package assembly:single

If the build is successful jar file octotron-%version%-jar-with-dependencies.jar will be located in the target/ folder.

Build without unit tests:

mvn dependency:copy-dependencies
mvn -Dmaven.test.skip=true package assembly:single

Clean all maven files:

mvn clean

Building with make

Makefile contains some convenient shortcuts.

Build jar, test it and put the result to bin/ folder with name octotron.jar:

make build

Build without unit tests:

make quickbuild

Clean the target folder (bin/):

make clean

Clean the target folder and maven files:

make veryclean