
Spawn props to block map zones

Primary LanguageSourcePawn


Admins who have Root(z) access can spawn props and color them or invisible them to block a part of map or some decorations for your server.

It's originally written by >>Satan<< so i translated this nice plugin to English and i post it here to use public.


  • Updater - Needed to compile


  • sm_bp_amode "1" - Message Display Type (0 - HUD, 1 - Chat)
  • sm_bp_anonce "1" - 1|0 Enable / Disable message about the status of the lock plugin
  • sm_bp_autosave "0" - 1|0 Enable / Disable automatic saving props at the end of each round
  • sm_bp_autoupdate "0" - 1|0 Enable / Disable auto-update.
  • sm_bp_enable "1" - 1|0 Enable / Disable the plugin
  • sm_bp_enableadmmenu "1" - 1|0 Enable / Disable the plugin management menu in the game
  • sm_bp_minplayer "64" - The minimum number of players for the machine. removal of all processes, blocking passage
  • sm_bp_onlyct "0" - 1|0 Enable / Disable counting only the players of the CT team for the decision on blocking


sm_getaimpos - Gets current aim position and writes it to chat sm_bpmenu - Opens 'Blocker Passes' menu (Admin menu required)


This plugin was in Russian and written by >>Satan<<.

I just translated it to English and added some new props to English version. So you can download both version.