A basic Python YouTube v3 API to fetch data from YouTube using public API-Key without OAuth.
It can fetch video comments for a given video URL, keyword based search (returns videos, playlist, channel) and return videos data for a given channelId. It store the data into output directory in CSV files.
You are required to get the API key from Google API console in order to use this script
- pip3 install -r requirements.txt
- Pass --c after file name for fetching comments from videos
- Pass --s after file name for fetching results based on search keyword
- Pass --sc after file name for fetching videos based on YouTube ChannelId
It is mandatory to pass any of the above argument after file name
- --max argument for defining the maximum result to return (default=10)
- --videourl argument for defining the youtube URL Mandatory
- --key argument for defining API key Mandatory
- --max argument for defining the maximum result to return (default=10)
- --search argument for giving the keyword
- --r argument for defining region (Country) For ex. --r=IN (Argument should be a country code)
- --key argument for defining your developer API key Mandatory
- --max argument for defining the maximum result to return (default=10)
- --channelid argument for defining channel id Mandatory
- --key argument for defining your developer API key Mandatory