
This library lets you easily set up programing homeworks

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


This library lets you easily set up programing homeworks

A homework is defined as two files, one with some lines changed according to the language defined by the library (see the docs) and anotherone with the solution. The solution file is encrypted so that the student's do not have it.

The rules are simple instructions that you add as comments to your code. All commands are structured as follows ## homework:[cmd]:[flag]. Here is an example:

## homework:replace:on
#.dw = 
#.w = 
dw = compute_gradients()
w -= alpha * dw
## homework:replace:off

When parsing the above code, the API will produce a solution file encrypted and
the original code will be replaced with:
## homework:start
dw = 
w = 
## homework:end


First run python homework.py make testfile.py, which returns the encryption key and creates the following files:

  • testfile_homework.py, which contains some broken lines so that the students can fill the gaps.
  • testfile_solution.py, which is the encrypted version of the source file (testfile.py)

Now you could send your students testfile_homework.py and remove the original testfile.py while keeping the encryption key. This way only people with the key can uncover the solution to the homework, by entering python homework.py uncover testfile_solution.py [encryption key] in the terminal.

Future work

  • Support for defining homeworks out of jupyter notebooks
  • Automatic grading
  • Perhaps something you want to suggest!