A tool that performs comprehensive transformations of XML Schemas (XSD) and XML data to RDF/OWL automatically
- 0
- 0
documentation link is broken
#22 opened by eric-jahn - 4
Usage Question
#3 opened by twcook - 5
using XSD with import statements
#16 opened by dellard - 0
java.lang.InternalError: unresolved reference
#18 opened by raedtjr - 2
Technical Information about XSD 2 OWL mappings
#17 opened by juandm - 1
Please Help. XML to OWL
#14 opened by gabyluna - 0
Transforming XML/XSD to OWL
#13 opened by mtzatzarov - 4
non-deterministic behavior in ontmalizer
#12 opened by xristy - 1
Lowering RDF to XML
#7 opened by gfenza - 1
- 2
Fails to generate valid OWL
#1 opened by ilpianista