Classifying handwritten Bengali alphabet characters in real-time.
Implementation of Handwritten Bangla Digit Recognition using Deep Learning by Md Zahangir Alom et. al.
The CMATERdb pattern recognition database.
Clone the repository and move into the src
Run in terminal : pip3 -r install requirements.txt
Conv2D - MaxPool - Conv2D - MaxPool - DropOut - FC - Softmax(Classification) for custom model
RESNET50 for transfer learning
Train : ~86%
Test : 86% 91%
- Image size used is 32 x 32
- The model is still not robust enough, accuracy can be improved using inception.
- Inspired from the work of @akshaybahadur21.
- Help taken from
- Looking forward to improve accuracy from this implementation of @dibyatanoy.
- Use transfer learning on multiple models like VGG, DenseNet, SqueezeNet
- Predict in real-time using
- Update real-time prediction to be done with tracking instead of handwritten characters.