
BEW 1.3 Chai Route Testing Challenges

Primary LanguageJavaScript

API Testing Challenges

Clone this repository, then run npm install to install all necessary packages.

Complete all TODOs in src/routes/message.js and src/test/message.js. Then, run your tests to ensure that they pass.

Submit your code using Gradescope.


Messages (TODOs)

Route Method Description
http://localhost:3000/messages GET Gets all messagess
http://localhost:3000/messages/{messageId} GET Get one message by id
http://localhost:3000/messages POST add a new message
http://localhost:3000/messages/{messageId} PUT update an exisiting message
http://localhost:3000/messages/{messageId} DELETE delete a message

{messageId} = Route parameter = :messageId


Route Method Description
http://localhost:3000/users/ GET get all users
http://localhost:3000/users/{userId} GET Get one user by id
http://localhost:3000/users POST add a new user to the database
http://localhost:3000/users/{userId} PUT update an exisiting user
http://localhost:3000/users/{userId} DELETE delete a user

{userId} = Route parameter = :userId