
Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC recently released its Intelligent Transport System (ITS) , But as of now there is no official public api available. This is an approach to build a python wrapper.

Primary LanguagePython

Python Wrapper for BMTC API

Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation BMTC recently released its Intelligent Transport System (ITS) , But as of now there is no official public api available. This is an approach to build a python wrapper based on the Reverse engineering work done by tachyons

API Reference : https://github.com/tachyons/bmtc-api


# From source provided you keep __init__.py
from bmtc import 'Bmtc'


Create a new instance.

bmtc = Bmtc()

Route wise details.

result = bmtc.route_wise('<direction>', '<routeNo>')

Route map details.

result = bmtc.route_map('<direction>', '<routeNo>')

Nearest stop details.

result = bmtc.nearest_stop('<lattitude>', '<longitude>')

Get stops matching the query string.

result = bmtc.search_stop('<keyword>')

Get stop details based on Stop ID.

result = bmtc.buses_in_stop('<stopId>')

Get a trip fare.

result = bmtc.trip_fare(<source>, <destination>, <service types>, <number of adults>)

Service types can be either

  • ordinary
  • vajra
  • vayu_vajra
  • atal_sarige
  • nice_service
  • bengaluru_darshini

Note: Every methods described above either returns an array of objects or a NULL array.


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/sreecodeslayer/bmtc-api-python. This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the Contributor Covenant code of conduct.


This repository is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.