
This repository contains the active 3D reconstruction library described in the papers: "An Information Gain Formulation for Active Volumetric 3D Reconstruction" by Isler et al. (ICRA 2016) and "A comparison of volumetric information gain metrics for active 3D object reconstruction" by Delmerico et al. (Autonomous Robots, 2017).

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

Our fork of the original repository - https://github.com/sreegowthamj/rpg_ig_active_reconstruction


If you are using ROS, most dependencies should already be installed. Packages were tested on Ubuntu 14.04 under ROS Indigo and Ubuntu 16.04 with ROS Kinetic.

  • ig_active_reconstruction: Eigen
  • ig_active_reconstruction_octomap: Boost, PCL 1.7+, Eigen, Octomap
  • ig_active_reconstruction_ros: -
  • example/flying_gazebo_stereo_cam: Gazebo, stereo_image_proc

Installation for ROS Kinetic/Ubuntu 16.04

To install all of these dependencies as system packages, run:

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-pkgs ros-kinetic-gazebo-ros-control \
                     ros-kinetic-stereo-image-proc ros-kinetic-octomap libboost-all-dev \
                     libpcl-dev libeigen3-dev

All packages are written to be compiled using catkin or catkin_tools, just clone this repository to your catkin workspace:

cd catkin_ws/src
git clone https://github.com/uzh-rpg/rpg_ig_active_reconstruction.git

And compile:

catkin_make (or catkin build)

Running the demo -

To use the gazebo model of the bunny, run the below command -

export GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH=$HOME/catkin_ws/src/rpg_ig_active_reconstruction/example/flying_gazebo_stereo_cam/model:$GAZEBO_MODEL_PATH

If everything compiled, run the following in four different terminals to start the reconstruction procedure:

  • roslaunch flying_gazebo_stereo_cam robot_interface.launch
    Launches Gazebo and loads the bunny (if you put it in the models folder), starts a viewspace model and a robot interface ROS node offering their services to other ig_active_reconstruction components
  • roslaunch flying_gazebo_stereo_cam flying_gazebo_stereo_cam.launch Launches the node that spawns the stereo camera (You should see two small boxes pointing at the origin) in Gazebo. This needs to be started after robot_interface.
  • roslaunch ig_active_reconstruction_octomap octomap_world_representation.launch
    Launches a world representation ROS node using Octomap as a container and offering information gain calculation capabilities.
  • roslaunch ig_active_reconstruction_ros basic_view_planner.launch
    Launches a basic view planner node with a simple command line user interface that allows you to start, pause and stop the procedure. To start the demo, press 'g' and then 'Enter' in this terminal.

Plotting the graph

Plotting the Surface Area Graph for Stanford Bunny -

	python plot_bunny.py

Plotting the Surface Area Graph for Armadillo -

	python plot_armadillo.py

Plotting the Entropy Graph for Stanford Bunny -

	python plot_entropy_bunny.py

Plotting the Entropy Graph for Armadillo-

	python plot_entropy_armadillo.py