
Shokunin Challenge - Draw an analogue clock face.

Primary LanguageJava


Shokunin Challenge - Draw an analogue clock face.


  • The time is supplied on stdin in the format hh:mm, followed by a single newline. Both hh and mm are padded with a leading 0 (zero) if they are less than 10.
  • The analogue clock face representing that time, subject to the following rules, should be written on stdout.
  • Each hour mark should be drawn with 'o' (Lower-case O).
  • The hour mark representing the hour given in the input should be drawn with an 'h'.
  • The hour mark representing the minute given in the input should be drawn with an 'm'.
  • If the hour and the minute both fall on the same mark, then you should draw it with an 'x'.
  • You should round down the minutes past the hour to the nearest 5 for the purposes of marking it on the clock (so 23 becomes 20, 39 becomes 35).


  • JVM (Java 1.8)
  • Gradle


sh go.sh --help

Usage: sh go.sh

#Build & Run sh go.sh

Program accepts input from stdin. Any formatting error detected in user input is printed out to stderr.

#Clean sh clean.sh


Sreejas-MacBook-Pro:clock sreeja$ sh go.sh
:processResources UP-TO-DATE
Welcome! Enter a time in the form hh:mm
> Building 75% > :run12:35
   o       o
 o           o
o      .      o
 o           o
   m       o
> Building 75% > :run5:78
[ERR] Time must be in the form hh:mm. Try again!