Get search results from Spotify Search API. Results can be filtered by artist, playlist, album or track. Written in Django.
- Unit tests.
- 88% test coverage.
to manage enviroment variables.- Search URLs can be copied.
- Filtering by 4 categories (artist, playlist, track, album).
Settings files are at config/settings/
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -r requirements/production.txt
python runserver
Now, browse to http://localhost:8000/!
The contents of the .env
file for django-environ
is inside prod.env
. So, while doing production deployment, rename prod.env
to .env
like so:
mv config/settings/prod.env config/settings/.env
export DJANGO_DEBUG=False
python collectstatic
gunicorn config.wsgi
is present in the ALLOWED_HOSTS
setting. This was done for convenience.
Go to http://localhost:8000/!
You can run test cases like so:
coverage run python test --settings=config.settings.test
And get coverage reports like so:
coverage report