
This repository contains source codes of some concepts I covered while learning Data Structures (CSEN2001).

Primary LanguageC

This repository contains source codes of some concepts I covered while learning Data Structures (CSEN2001).
If you want to have a quick revision of types of functions, structures and file handling, visit Basic C notion page prepared by me and my friend.

Unitwise syllabus

Unit 1

For Python Notebook click here -> Searching_and_Sorting

Unit 2

Creation of

  1. Singly linked list
  2. Doubly linked list
  3. Circular linked list
And perform the following operations on them
  • Insertion
  • Deletion
  • Display

Unit 3

For contacting me you can mail me at sreemannarayanac2003@gmail.com or visit my linktree for my socials.