

The inspiration behind Connect.AI, our dating app extension, was to enhance the user experience by incorporating emotion analysis into the platform. We recognized that understanding users' emotions from images and text could help facilitate more meaningful connections and improve the overall dating process.

What it does

Connect.AI leverages Hume AI's powerful emotion analysis technology to analyze the emotions conveyed in user-uploaded images and text messages. The app extension provides users with insights into the emotions expressed by potential matches, allowing for a deeper understanding of their compatibility and potential chemistry. By incorporating emotion analysis, Connect.AI aims to create a more nuanced and empathetic dating experience.

How we built it

Connect.AI was built using a combination of technologies and frameworks. The front end was developed using a mobile app development framework such as React Native, which enabled us to create a cross-platform application efficiently. The backend infrastructure was implemented using a combination of cloud services and APIs, including Hume's emotion analysis API.

To implement the emotion analysis functionality, we integrated the Hume API into our backend system. We designed a robust data pipeline to securely transmit user-uploaded images and text messages to the Hume API, which then returned the emotion analysis results. These results were processed and presented to users through an intuitive and visually appealing user interface.

Challenges we ran into

During the development process, we encountered several challenges. Integrating the Hume AI API and ensuring seamless communication with our backend system required careful consideration of data privacy, security, and API usage guidelines. We also had to optimize the app's performance to handle image and text analysis in real time without compromising user experience. Overcoming these challenges required extensive testing, debugging, and collaboration among team members.

Accomplishments that we're proud of

We are proud to have successfully integrated Hume AI's emotion analysis technology into Connect.AI. Our app extension can now give users valuable insights into potential matches' emotions, fostering a deeper understanding of their compatibility. We are also proud of the user-friendly interface we created, which effectively communicates the emotion analysis results to users in an engaging and visually appealing manner.

What we learned

Throughout the development of Connect.AI, we learned the importance of data privacy and security when working with sensitive user information. We gained valuable experience in integrating third-party APIs, handling real-time data analysis, and optimizing app performance. Additionally, we deepened our understanding of the significance of emotions in the dating context and how they can influence relationship dynamics.

What's next for Connect.AI

In the future, we plan to further enhance Connect.AI by incorporating more advanced features. This includes refining the emotion analysis algorithms, expanding language support for text analysis, conducting text analysis in the PostgreSQL level when we have enough text data, and integrating additional AI-driven functionalities to enhance the overall dating experience. We also aim to gather user feedback and insights to continuously improve and tailor Connect.AI to the specific needs and preferences of our users.