
Creative Commons Zero v1.0 UniversalCC0-1.0


To see the book, visit: https://llm-live-book.readthedocs.io/

This repo contains material and information from the workshops and journal club sessions run by Aggregate Intellect to update and educate our community about the explosive progress in language models (and generally generative models). Our vision for this repo is to be an authoritive source of information for those who want to leverage generative AI in their work and build regardless of how small or big their projects are.

Our mission is to create an ecosystem of experts, ideas, tools, and a community that build together until we get to a point where no idea is too expensive to try.

What does "An Open Book Project" mean?

We will continue adding material to this repository, but feel free to add any questions or suggestions through pull requests or through reporting issues.

Given the rapid pace of development in LLM space, we are releasing this information as an open book project which means that we welcome and encourage contributions from anyone who is interested and esp anyone who has used LLMs in production setting and wants to share their learnings with the broader community. See the bottom of this page for step by step instructions for how you can contribute. Here are some examples of contributions you can make:

  • If you are interested in this topic but you aren't an expert:
    • Fix typos or grammatical errors
    • Fix formatting issues
    • Rewords any sections to make them more understandable
  • If you are interested in this topic, and curious about how certain things can be done:
    • Provide feedback on existing content through Issues (see the bottom of this page for details)
    • Ask questions or make suggestions through Issues (see the bottom of this page for details)
  • If you are closely familiar with the topic and / or have hands on experience:
    • Add new resources with explanation
    • Add notebooks with examples of interesting things you tried
    • Add new sections for important topics that are missing
    • Improving existing content by adding more detail or context

Contributions Guideline

Making Changes through Pull Requests

To make changes to this project, you will need to fork the repository to your own GitHub account, make the changes to your forked repository, and then submit a pull request to our main repository. Here are the steps:

  1. Fork the repository to your own GitHub account by clicking the "Fork" button on the top right of the repository page.
  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine by running the following command in your terminal: git clone https://github.com/your-username/repo-name.git
  3. Create a new branch for your changes by running the following command: git checkout -b your-branch-name
  4. Make the desired changes to the book.
  5. Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message by running the following command:git commit -m "your commit message"
  6. Push your changes to your forked repository by running the following command: git push origin your-branch-name
  7. Go to the main repository and submit a pull request with a description of your changes.

Once your pull request is submitted, it will be reviewed by our team and either merged or commented on for further changes.

NOTE: If the change you are considering is fairly major, please suggest it as an issue first so that we can coordinate before you put in the effort.

Suggesting Changes through Issues

If you would like to suggest changes to the book without making direct changes, you can create an issue in our repository. Here are the steps:

  1. Go to the repository and click on the "Issues" tab.
  2. Click on the "New Issue" button.
  3. Provide a descriptive title and description of your suggested change.
  4. Optionally, you can label your issue to make it easier to categorize.
  5. Submit the issue.

Our team will review the issue and either implement the suggested change or respond with feedback.

Other Useful Resources