
A SwiftUI bottom-up controller, like in the Maps app. Drag to expand or minimize.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

SwiftUI Drawer

A SwiftUI bottom-up controller, like in the Maps app. Drag to expand or minimize.



Add a dependency in your your Package.swift

.package(url: "https://github.com/maustinstar/swiftui-drawer.git", from: "0.0.3"),


Embed your view content in a ZStack with the Drawer as the last element. The heights parameter defines a list of resting heights for the drawer.

ZStack {

    ScrollView {
    Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {

View Modifiers

Following SwiftUI's declarative syntax, these view modifiers return a modified Drawer.


💥 impact(_: UIImpactFeedbackGenerator.FeedbackStyle) -> Drawer

Sets the haptic impact of the drawer when resting.

Feedback Style Choose from the possible impact styles. Apple Docs

public enum FeedbackStyle : Int {

    /// A collision between small, light user interface elements.
    case light = 0
    /// A collision between moderately sized user interface elements.
    case medium = 1
    /// A collision between large, heavy user interface elements.
    case heavy = 2
    @available(iOS 13.0, *)
    case soft = 3
    @available(iOS 13.0, *)
    case rigid = 4


Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {


🪀 spring(_: CGFloat) -> Drawer

Sets the springiness of the drawer when pulled past boundaries.

Spring Level A positive number, in pixels, to define how far the drawer can be streched beyond bounds.

A spring of 0 will not let the user drag the drawer beyond the bound of the minimum and maximum heights.

A positive spring level will allow users to pull the drawer a specified number of pixels beyond the bounds. The user's drag displacement is transformed by a logistic curve for a natural hard-spring pull that reaches an asymptote.

Default is 12px.

Usage Set a spring distance

Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {

Toggle a spring distance

Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {
}.spring(isSpringy ? 0 : 20)


🔒 locked(_: Binding<Bool>, to height: @escaping (_ restingHeight: CGFloat) -> CGFloat) -> Drawer

Locks the drawer in a controlled position. When set to true, the drawer will animate into the locked height.

isLocked A Binding Bool indicating if the drawer should be locked.

height A closure returning the height to lock the drawer. The closure's argument is the drawer's current resting height.

Usage Lock into a fixed position.

Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {
}.locked($locked) {_ in
    return 30

Lock into the current resting height

Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {
}.locked($locked) { (current) in
    return current


😴 onRest(_: @escaping (_ height: CGFloat) -> ()) -> Drawer

A callback to receive updates when the drawer reaches a new resting level.

Closure This closure is executed every time the drawer reaches a new resting hieght. Use this when you want to receive updates on the drawer's changes.

Usage Lock into a fixed position.

Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {
}.onRest { (restingHeight) in

Example 1

A multi-height drawer with haptic impact.

Drawer(heights: [100, 340, UIScreen.main.bounds.height - 40], impact: .light) {
    ZStack {
        RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 12)
            .shadow(radius: 100)
        VStack(alignment: .center) {
            Spacer().frame(height: 4.0)
            RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 3.0)
                .frame(width: 30.0, height: 6.0)

Example 2

A basic two-height drawer.

Drawer(heights: [100, 340]) {
