
Full installation for Tanzu Application Platform

Primary LanguageShellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Deploying Tanzu Application Platform with GitOps

This project shows how to deploy Tanzu Application Platform (TAP) with a GitOps approach. Using this strategy, you can share the same configuration across different installations (one commit means one tanzu package installed update for every cluster), while tracking any configuration updates with Git (easy rollbacks).

Please note that this project is authored by a VMware employee under open source license terms.

How does it work?

You don't need to deploy any additional components to your cluster. This GitOps approach relies on kapp-controller and ytt to track Git commits and apply the configuration to every cluster. These tools are part of the TAP prerequisites.

How to use it?

Make sure Cluster Essentials for VMware Tanzu is deployed to your cluster.

You don't need to use the tanzu CLI to apply the configuration with a GitOps approach: all tanzu commands described in the documentation have been integrated as YAML definitions.

####Step 1 - Remove config-proxy and post-install scripts from the initial install Note:

  • In gitops/tap-install.yml remove - config-proxy and - post-install from template.ytt.paths and push to github.
  • During the installation there is a pre-check that happens for Contour resources in order to apply the proxy configuration, since contour is not available yet, we will need to wait for it to be installed before we can apply the proxy configurations.

####Step 2 - Create new file tap-install-config.yml in gitops, reusing content from tap-install-config.yml.tpl.

Edit this file accordingly:

In your gitops folder create tap-install-config.yml file with the following content below:

#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml")
#@ def config():
  #! Set Backstage catalogs to include by default.
  - https://github.com/tanzu-corp/tap-catalog/blob/main/catalog-info.yaml

    host: ${REGISTRY_HOST}
      buildService: tanzu/tanzu-build-service
      ootbSupplyChain: tanzu/tanzu-supply-chain

    main: tanzu.example.com
    tapGui: tap-gui.tanzu.example.com
    learningCenter: learningcenter.tanzu.example.com
    knative: apps.tanzu.example.com
    appliveview: appliveview.tanzu.example.com
    metadataStore: metadata-store.tanzu.example.com
#@ end
apiVersion: v1
kind: ConfigMap
  name: tap-install-gitops
  namespace: tap-install-gitops
  tap-config.yml: #@ yaml.encode(config())

####Step 3 - In your GitOps folder create tap-install-secrets.yml file with the following content below: Edit this file accordingly:

In your gitops folder create tap-install-secrets.yml file with the following content below:

#@ load("@ytt:yaml", "yaml")
#@ def config():
    #! Pick one registry for downloading images: Tanzu Network or Pivotal Network
    #! (use tanzuNet as key).
      username: ${TANZUNET_USERNAME}
      password: ${TANZUNET_PASSWORD}

      username: ${REGISTRY_USERNAME}
      password: ${REGISTRY_PASSWORD}
    #! Remove suffix "-disabled" to enable GitHub integration:
    #! - set clientId and clientSecret to enable authentication,
    #! - set token to download resources from GitHub (such as Backstage catalogs).
      username: ${GITHUB_USERNAME}
      clientId: ${GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_ID}
      clientSecret: ${GITHUB_APP_CLIENT_SECRET}
      token: ${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}

      token: ${SNYK_ACCESS_TOKEN}

      custom_logo: ${BASE64_LOGO}
      custom_name: ${COMPANY_NAME}
      org_name: ${ORG_NAME}

      tls.crt: ${BASE64_CERT}
      tls.key: ${BASE64_KEY}

      accessToken: "Bearer ${METADATA_ACCESS_TOKEN}"
    #! Remove suffix "-disabled" to enable Backstage persistence.
        client: pg
        host: INSERT-DB-HOST
        port: 5432
        username: INSERT-DB-USERNAME
        password: INSERT-DB-PASSWORD
#@ end
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tap-install-gitops-github
  namespace: tap-install-gitops
  username: github
  password: ${GITHUB_ACCESS_TOKEN}
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: tap-install-gitops
  namespace: tap-install-gitops
  tap-secrets.yml: #@ yaml.encode(config())

####Step 4 - Deploy the kapp Application

kapp deploy -a tap-install-gitops -f <(ytt -f gitops)

####Step 5 - Check to make sure the Tanzu packages have started Reconciling.

tanzu package installed list -n tap-install

####Step 6 - Add config-proxy and post-install scripts to gitops/tap-install.yml Note:

  • Navigate to gitops/tap-install.yml add - config-proxy and - post-install to template.ytt.paths and push to github.
  - ytt:
      - config
      - config-full
      - config-proxy
      - post-install

####Step 7 - ReDeploy the kapp Application

kapp deploy -a tap-install-gitops -f <(ytt -f gitops)

####Step 8 - Retrieve Metadata Store Access Token and update gitops/tap-install-secrets.yml

export METADATA_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secrets -n metadata-store -o jsonpath="{.items[?(@.metadata.annotations['kubernetes\.io/service-account\.name']=='metadata-store-read-client')].data.token}" | base64 -d)


      accessToken: "Bearer ${METADATA_STORE_ACCESS_TOKEN}"

####Step 9 - Retrieve External IP Address and Update your DNS

kubectl get service envoy -n tanzu-system-ingress

As a part of the Out-Of-The-Box Supply Chain with Testing and Scanning you will need to create a ScanPolicy object in the developer namespace. The ScanPolicy defines a set of rules to evaluate for a particular scan to consider the artifacts (image or source code) either compliant or not

For more information visit ScanPolicy