Pure Matlab Redis interface for Matlab>=2014B
>> r = Redis('localhost', 6379, 'password', 'foobared')
r =
RedisClient with properties:
host: 'localhost'
port: 6379
password: 'foobared'
db: 0
socket: [1×1 tcpclient]
recv_buffer: ''
timeout: 2
buffer_wait: 1.0000e-03
CRNL: '←↵'
>> r.set('var', 'value !"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~')
ans =
>> r.get('var')
ans =
'value !"#$%&()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~'
>> r.cmd('incr', 'tmp')
ans =
>> r.cmd('incr tmp')
ans =
r = Redis(<host>, <port>, ['password', password=''], ['db', db=0])
r.send(<cmd>[, <arg>]*)
r.set(<var>, <value>)
value = r.get(<var>)
Related Projects
There are few similar packages
- GNU Octave redis client (go-redis - the official redis matlab/octave interface)
- redis-mex (similar to the above but has different interface)
- Redis Matlab (pure Matlab implementation)
The former two packages are based on the Hiredis library and require compilation. The third is a Matlab implementation is not supported on newer versions of Matlab (>=2014B) while also is not fully consistent with the RESP protocol.
This project implements an intuitive object-like interface for Redis without any other requirement or setup other then matlab itself.