
Command line tool for checking out the daily menus of different locations

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Command line tool for getting the daily menu of different locations written in Go.


Clone this repository and run go build within the directory.

$ git clone https://github.com/srehwald/eat.git
$ cd eat/
$ go build

Available Locations

By now, the following locations are available:

  • Mensa Garching
  • Mensa Arcisstraße
  • StuBistro Großhadern
  • FMI Bistro
  • IPP Bistro

Call eat -h in order to see the correct names you need to use within the tool.

This project is using eat-api.


Check out the usage menu:

usage: eat [-options] <location>
    -h, --help  show usage
    -d DATE     date of the menu (format: yyyy-mm-dd; default: current date)
Locations: <full name> (<short name>)
    mensa-garching (mg)
    mensa-arcisstrasse (ma)
    stubistro-grosshadern (sg)
    fmi-bistro (fmi)
    ipp-bistro (ipp)


The following examples assume that you added the eat executable to your PATH. Otherwise you might need to call it with ./eat (in case you are in the same directory as the executable).

Get the current menu for mensa-garching (You can also use the short name 'mg'):

$ eat mensa-garching
Menu for 'mensa-garching' on '2017-04-28':
Bauerneintopf: 1€
Pfannkuchen mit Apfelmus: 1.55€
Gedünsteter Kabeljau (MSC) auf Buchweizen-Rote-Beete-Risotto: 4€

$ eat mg
Menu for 'mensa-garching' on '2017-04-28':
Bauerneintopf: 1€
Pfannkuchen mit Apfelmus: 1.55€
Gedünsteter Kabeljau (MSC) auf Buchweizen-Rote-Beete-Risotto: 4€

Get the current menu for mensa-arcisstrasse on 2017-04-27:

$ eat -d 2017-04-27 mensa-arcisstrasse
Menu for 'mensa-arcisstrasse' on '2017-04-27':
Reistopf mit Chinagemüse: 1€
Quinoa-Salat mit Nüssen, Gurke, Rucola und Mandeldressing: 2.4€
Grünes Hähnchen-Curry: 3.2€
Reistopf mit Chinagemüse (2): Self-Service
Pikante Nudelpfanne mit Schafskäse und Rindfleisch: Self-Service
Pasta mit Bärlauchpesto: Self-Service