Driver Base

Spenser Reinhardt

This is an extremely minimal Rust kernel driver for x64 Windows. It's intended to be copied and directly altered for new projects, not included as a cargo dependency.

Most of the hard work was done previously by not-matthais[1] and Codentium[2], and all steps from Codentium's - Windows Drivers in Rust Prerequisites should be followed prior to building.

Modifying Your Build

Few modifications are needed to rename and configure to your own needs.

  • Cargo.toml
    • = Rename to your desired crate name.
  • Makefile.toml
    • env.PRJ_NAME = Should be equal to set value in cargo.toml from above.
    • env.SVC_NAME = Name used in windbg and sc start
    • env.SVC_DISPLAY = More human readable name, used in Services, TaskMgr and similar.

Cargo Make Options

To build and simplify deployment, cargo make options are: