Ice and Fire API Project

This project explore the api and allows users to find the various Houses and their corresponding data.

Tech Stack

Client: React, Redux Toolkit, TailwindCSS

Server: Redux Toolkit Query

Tools: ESLint, Prettier


  • Responsive Design
  • Infinite Scrolling
  • Network Fetch Caching
  • Redux Toolkit for State Management
  • RTK Query for Querying

API Reference

Get all Houses


Get Single House

Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of House

Get Single Character

Parameter Type Description
id string Required. Id of House

Lessons Learned

  • Got a chance to explore RTK Query, Query Mutation, Transformation and Caching.
  • Learnt how to inculcate RTK Query with Redux Store.
  • I had struggled with implementing Infinite Scroll, with RTK Query, since it doesn't support it natively currently.
  • So had to cook up a custom implementation, which didn't pan out since it wasn't differentiating between the cached results and new results resulting in duplicate keys.
  • The final approach I used was to build a custom hook useInfiniteScrolling to handle the data.


  • Addition of Search with Debounced network calls
  • Caching the Infinite Scroll Calls
  • Creating a custom work around for Infinite Scroll with RTK Query