
Jenkins installation instructions for Amazon Linux AMI

Primary LanguageShell

Installing Jenkins on Amazon Linux AMI

  1. Create an IAM role for EC2 instance.
  2. Launch new EC2 instance
  3. Select Amazon Linux AMI
  4. Select instance size (t2.micro/t2.small should be enough)
  5. Configure details. Select IAM role created in first step
  6. Create Storage
  7. Add tags. e.g. Name: jenkins
  8. Configure Security Group
  • Select name for the security group, e.g. jenkins
  • Add rule for SSH: port 22 and HTTP: port 80
  1. Review and launch
  2. Choose existing key-pair or create new
  3. When the instance is up connect with SSH (right click instance in the list and select connect for more details)
  4. Run wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laardee/jenkins-installation/master/install.sh && sudo chmod 755 install.sh && sudo ./install.sh
  • Snippet downloads install.sh
  • Changes downloaded file permissions
  • Runs the downloaded script
  1. After Jenkins has started, run sudo cat /var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword for initial admin password
  2. Select instance in AWS console, select description and find Public DNS (IPv4) in Description tab
  3. Open Jenkins in browser and insert initial admin password when asked
  4. Continue with Jenkins installation wizard