
I'm not really good at explaining but in order to pull request or fix this issue you should follow this several steps go to Git Bash command cd -- //this is to get started command cd desktop/ //this is to open file in your desktop command cd yourfolder/ //it can be any of your folder name, this is to open your folder in your desktop fork this repository go to clone button copy the link as SSH command git clone (link of your SSH after you forked) command cd tevychhy1.github.io //this is to open this folder command git checkout -b yourname //this is to create your branch name go to the code add your name using html or css command git add sample.html //this is to add the new html file command git push origin //this is push it to the original file go back to the website click the button compare and pull request add title and comment click create pull request

I hope this works Happy Coding guys!!!!