
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A quick class for connecting to a mysql db in node and doing common functions against it.


There's no npm package for this. You'll have to install differently:

npm install --save github.com/srgraham/db2


npm install --save github.com/srgraham/db2#deadbeef

Swap out deadbeef for the commit id you like.


const DB2 = require('db2');

const config = {
  host: 'localhost',
  database: 'database',
  user: 'user',
  pass: 'pass',
  options: {
    charset : 'utf8mb4',

const db = new DB2(config);

await db.execute('SELECT 1;');

There are a handful of common functions defined:

execute(query, [binds])

  • query = query string to run
  • binds = array of binds to fill in the ? for in the query
await db.execute('SELECT 7');
await db.execute('SELECT ?', [7]);
await db.execute('SELECT ?, ?, ?', [7, 8, 9]);

insert(table_name, row_obj)

  • table_name - table name
  • row_obj - object to insert
await db.insert('test', {id: 1});
await db.insert('test', {id: 1, foo: 222, bar: 'asdf'});

insertIgnore(table_name, row_obj)

  • table_name - table name
  • row_obj - object to insert
await db.insertIgnore('test', {id: 1});
await db.insertIgnore('test', {id: 1, foo: 222, bar: 'asdf'});

insertIgnoreMulti(table_name, row_objs)

  • table_name - table name
  • row_objs - array of objects to insert
await db.insertIgnoreMulti('test', [{id: 1}]);
await db.insertIgnoreMulti('test', [
  {id: 1, foo: 222, bar: 'asdf'},
  {id: 2, foo: 333, bar: 'jkl'},
  {id: 3, foo: 444, bar: 'qwerty'},

insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate(table_name, row_obj, ignored_update_columns)

  • table_name - table name
  • row_obj - object to insert
  • ignored_update_columns - columns to not update when updating the row; all other columns get updated
await db.insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate('test', {foo: 222, bar: 'asdf'}, ['id']);
await db.insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate('test', {foo: 333, bar: 'jkl'}, ['id']);

insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdateMulti(table_name, row_obj_arr, ignore_update_columns)

  • table_name - table name
  • row_obj_arr - array of objects to update
  • ignore_update_columns - columns to not update when updating the row; all other columns get updated
await db.insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate('test', [{foo: 222, bar: 'asdf'}], ['id']);
await db.insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate(
    {foo: 333, bar: 'asdf'},
    {foo: 444, bar: 'jkl'},
    {foo: 555, bar: 'qwerty'},

update(table_name, id_where_obj, row_obj)

  • table_name - table name
  • id_where_obj - object column/values to match which rows to update
  • row_obj - object to update
await db.update('test', {id: 1}, {foo: 123});

// update all rows with id = 2, setting foo = 444 and bar = 'jkl'
await db.update('test', {id: 2}, {foo: 444, bar: 'jkl'});

// update all rows with foo = 123, setting foo = 444 and bar = 'jkl'
await db.update('test', {foo: 123}, {foo: 444, bar: 'jkl'});

#format(query, [binds])

  • query = query string to run
  • binds = array of binds to fill in the ? for in the query returns the string with each ? filled in with each bind This function is called internally when running execute(query, binds) You probably won't need to use it yourself.
DB2.format('SELECT 7;');                   // SELECT 7;
DB2.format('SELECT ?;', [7]);              // SELECT 7;
DB2.format('SELECT ?, ?, ?;', [7, 8, 9]);  // SELECT 7, 8, 9;


  • in_list When creating more detailed queries, you might want to look for a column IN(?, ?, ?). This is convenience static method to be used to create those.
const binds = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];
const query = `
  FROM table
  WHERE id IN(${DB2.createIn(binds)});

// query becomes: 
// FROM table
// WHERE id IN(?, ?, ?, ?, ?);

await db.execute(query, binds)

#createLikeIn(column_name, in_list, joiner = 'OR')

  • column_name - the column to run LIKE checks against
  • in_list - list of values to LIKE against
  • joiner - the text to join on. OR by default. AND is another common option.

When creating more detailed queries, you might want to look for column LIKE ?. This is convenience static method to be used to create a bunch of those.

const binds = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
const query = `
  FROM table
  WHERE ${DB2.createLikeIn('id', binds)};

// query becomes: 
// FROM table
// WHERE ( id LIKE ? OR id LIKE ? OR id LIKE ? OR id LIKE ? OR id LIKE ? )

await db.execute(query, binds)

You can swap out OR to AND with the last argument.

#createRegexpIn(column_name, in_list, joiner = 'OR')

  • column_name - the column to run LIKE checks against
  • in_list - list of values to LIKE against
  • joiner - the text to join on. OR by default. AND is another common option.

When creating more detailed queries, you might want to look for column REGEXP ?. This is convenience static method to be used to create a bunch of those.

const binds = ['a', 'e', 'i', 'o', 'u'];
const query = `
  FROM table
  WHERE ${DB2.createRegexpIn('id', binds)};

// query becomes: 
// FROM table

await db.execute(query, binds)

You can swap out OR to AND with the last argument.

Why no npm package for this?

An npm package implies maintenance. I don't want to use up npm names for a repo that will likely not receive much maintenance.