
This project aims to implement a fully functional parser using C++ for a simple programming language. The parser consists of two main phases: lexical analysis (tokenization) and semantic analyzer (parsing).

Primary LanguageC++


This project aims to implement a fully functional parser using C++ for a simple programming language. The parser consists of two main phases: lexical analysis (tokenization) and semantic analyzer (parsing). The lexer divides the input code into meaningful tokens and assigns them appropriate types. The parser then uses these tokens to construct a parse tree, which represents the hierarchical structure of the program.

Project Functions

  1. Read data from input.txt file: The program can read input data from a file named "InputFile.txt". This file contains the code or input that needs to be processed by the program.
  2. Accept multiple data types: The program is capable of handling various data types, such as integers, floats, long long, etc.
  3. Parsing if and while statements: The program has specific support for if and while statements. The parser is designed to recognize and parse these control flow statements according to a given context-free grammar (CFG).
  4. Tokenization:Before parsing, the input code needs to be tokenized. Tokenization involves breaking down the code into individual tokens, such as keywords, identifiers, operators, numbers, declaration keywords, punctuation, and errors.
  5. Generate a parse tree: After tokenization, the program follows a certain CFG to generate a parse tree. The parse tree represents the syntactic structure of the input code.
  6. Visualization using Graphviz:The program provides a feature to visualize the generated parse tree using Graphviz.
  7. Remove comments:The program includes a function to remove comments from the code. This function identifies and removes both single-line and multi-line comments while preserving the functionality of the parser.


 stmts            ----> stmts stmt | E 
 stmt             ----> while_stmt | if_stmt | assign_stmt | declaration_stmt
 declaration_stmt ----> declaration_keyword definition_stmt
 declaration_keyword--> int | char | float | double | short | long long
 definition_stmt  ----> id = expr; |
 while_stmt       ----> while(cond){stmts}
 assign_stmt      ----> id = expr;
 if_stmt          ----> if(cond) stmt |
                        if(cond) stmt else_stmt|
                        if(cond) stmt elseif_stmt
 else_stmt        ----> else stmt 
 elseif_stmt      ----> elseif (cond) stmt elseif_stmt | else_stmt | e
 cond             ----> id op factor 
 expr             ----> expr + term | expr - term | term
 term             ----> term * factor | term / factor | factor
 factor           ----> id | digit | (expr)
 id               ----> a-z|A-Z
 digit            ----> 0|..9
 op               ----> >|>=|<|<=|=|==|!=|+|-|*|/

CFG after left recursion left factoring elimination

 stmts            ----> stmt rest
 rest             ----> stmt rest | E
 stmt             ----> while_stmt | if_stmt | assign_stmt | declaration_stmt
 declaration_stmt ----> declaration_keyword definition_stmt
 declaration_keyword--> int | char | float | double | short | long long
 definition_stmt  ----> id rest4;
 rest4            ----> e | = expr 
 while_stmt       ----> while(cond){stmts}
 assign_stmt      ----> id = expr;
 if_stmt          ----> if(cond)stmt rest3
 rest3            ----> elseif_stmt| else_stmt | E
 else_stmt        ----> else stmt
 elseif_stmt      ----> else if (cond) stmt rest3
 cond             ----> id op factor
 expr             ----> term  Rest1
 Rest1            ----> + term Rest1 | - term Rest1 | E
 term             ----> factor Rest2
 Rest2            ----> * factor Rest2 | / factor Rest2 | E
 factor           ----> id | digit | (expr)
 id               ----> a|..|z|A|..|Z
 digit            ----> 0|..|9
 op               ---->>|>=|<|<=|=|==|!=|+|-|*|/

Input Code Sample:

int x = 1 ;
float y;
double temp;
 y = 10.4;
 // z = 70;
 y = y + 3e1;
  temp = 3.33;
else if(x <2)
   temp = 30;
   temp = 0;

Parse Tree for this sample Code:

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