Async Prompt Chain Runner [Experiment]

This package implements an asynchronous prompt chain runner. It manages storage and execution of chains in the cloud.

  • Chains are provided as JSON templates of arbitrary length.
  • Invocations run chains on user input
    • Invocations run asynchronously in the cloud
    • Callbacks are supported when each step and the full chain finishes
    • Errors that occur mid-chain are propagated to the end
  • Generative Models can be invoked via Steamship Plugins

Full Documentation

Creating a Chain Runner

You can create a Chain Runner

  • On the web by clicking, click on the My Private Instances tab and then Create Instance
  • In Python, by running
    from steamship import Steamship
    runner = Steamship.use('async-prompt-chain-experiment', 'my-unique-id')
  • In Typescript, by runing
    import {Steamship} from '@steamship/client'
    const runner = await Steamship.use('async-prompt-chain-experiment', 'my-unique-id')  

Creating a Chain

Create a new chain using a simple declarative syntax (see below). Then, invoke the create_chain method.


# See below for a full example of a chain_dict
runner.invoke('create_chain', chain=chain_dict)


// See below for a full example of a chain_obj
await runner.invoke('create_chain', {chain: chain_obj})

That will return a dict object of the form:

{ "chain_id": "uuid" }

Invoking a Chain

Invoke a chain by passing it input arguments.


input_arguments = {"arg1": "arg1"}
runner.invoke('run_chain', chain_id=chain_id, inputs=input_arguments, callback_url="https://..")


await runner.invoke('run_chain', {
    chain_id: "chain_id", 
    inputs: {
        arg1: "argw"
    callback_url: "url"

That will return a dict object of the form:

  "input": {},
  "output": "string",
  "state": "succeeded | failed | running | waiting",
  "statusMessage": "if error occurs",
  "steps": [
      "state": "succeeded | failed | running | waiting",
      "statusMessage": ".. step-level information"

Chain Definition Language

This API uses a simple declarative language to define chains.

Chain Object

The chain object is defined as:

  steps: Step[]
  callback_url?: string

Step Object

The step object is defined as:

    handle: string,   # Required. For naming the output and debugging.
    prompt: string,   # Prompt to pass to the model 
    input:  {},       # Optional; hard-coded values to interpolate into the promp, overwriting user input and chain input.
    plugin: str       # The Generator (text, image, audio) Steamship plugin to apply
    plugin_config: {} # The configuration of the plugin

Valid Plugins

The plugin field may be:

  • gpt-3 - Requires a configuration of {"max_words": int}

Chain Execution

Each step in the chain receives an input variable object containing:

  • The input the user provided to invocation.
  • Plus: The output from all Steps 0..Prior. The key in the dictionary is the handle on the step
  • Plus: Any input dict provided in the current step's configuration.

Interpolation is done against the prompt using Python's string formatting semantics.

Complete Example

Below is an extremely simple prompt demonstrating a simple prompt chain.

  • Calling create_chain would return a chain_id that represents this chain.
  • Calling run_chain, the user could provide the arguments {topic: "food"} and receive back a judgement on whether a generated joke is funny.
    • The intermediate step output is also returned.
  1. First, put this in prompt_chain.json
  "handle": "single-prompt",
  "steps": [
      "handle": "tell-joke",
      "plugin": "gpt-3",
      "plugin_config": { "max_words":  10 },
      "prompt": "Tell me a joke about {topic}"
      "handle": "judge-joke",
      "plugin": "gpt-3",
      "plugin_config": { "max_words":  10 },
      "prompt": "A comedian told a joke:\n\n{tell-joke}\n\n Is it funny? YES/NO:"
  1. Second, put this in client.js
async function main() {
  if (!process.env.STEAMSHIP_API_KEY) {
    console.log("Please visit to get an api key. Then set the STEAMSHIP_API_KEY environment variable")
  // This gives us a new instance of the API
  const Steamship = (await import('@steamship/client')).Steamship;
  const runner = await Steamship.use('async-prompt-chain-experiment', 'my-unique-id-001')

  // Add a new chain
  const fs = await import("fs");
  const chain = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync('./prompt_chain.json', 'utf8'))
  const { data: { chain_id } } = await runner.invoke('create_chain', { chain })

  // Invoke the chain
  const { data: { invocation_id } } = await runner.invoke('run_chain', {
    inputs: {
      topic: "Food"

  // Check the status. More data is returned; this is just a small fraction.
  for (let i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
    const { data: { state, output } } = await runner.invoke('run_status', { invocation_id })
    console.log(`State: ${state} Output: ${output}`)
    await new Promise(r => setTimeout(r, 500));

main().then(() => { }, (e) => {console.log(e)})
  1. Finally, run node client.js