
JSON based events router, inspired from an AWS Lambda project.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

JSON Events Router Build Status

Uses simple yaml based rules to take action on JSON events. Uses jsonpath to scan the event message and regex for includes and excludes conditionals.

Note! jsonrouter currently converts all matching field values to strings for regex comparision so be aware of this when expecting int to be returned.


pip install jsonrouter


import json
import yaml

from jsonrouter import JsonMatchEngine

# load rules from file or string
configs = yaml.load('''
- name: example-rule
  - name: print-router
  - name: the-name
    jsonpath: $.name

# an example json record
json_string = '''
    "name": "jsonrouter",
    "type": "jsonpath matcher and router",
    "why": {
        "because": "it's easy"

def print_router(data):
    # a trivial example router function
    print(json.dumps(data, indent=4))

# explicitly declare your registered routers for security
registered_routers = {
    'print-router': print_router

eng = JsonMatchEngine(configs, registered_routers)

Use the engine to find matches:

In [2]: matches = eng.route_matches(json_string)
    "name": "example-rule",
    "routers": [
            "name": "print-router"
    "vars": {
        "the-name": "jsonrouter"
    "template": "",
    "record": {
        "name": "jsonrouter",
        "type": "jsonpath matcher and router",
        "why": {
            "because": "it's easy"

The contents of matches:

In [3]: matches
[{'name': 'example-rule',
  'routers': [{'name': 'print-router'}],
  'vars': {'the-name': 'jsonrouter'},
  'template': '',
  'record': {'name': 'jsonrouter',
   'type': 'jsonpath matcher and router',
   'why': {'because': "it's easy"}}}]

Rule Config

Anatomy of the config.

# `rules` is the root of the config
# note: rules can have same name!
rules: # required
- name: notification # required
  routers: # required
  - name: slack # required
    # all fields besides name are optional but may be required in the router
    channel: my-channel # optional
  vars: # required
  - name: type # required
    jsonpath: $..Type # required, except for constants: see bellow 
    includes: ['.*'] # optional, default `['.*']` includes all
    excludes: [] # optional, default `[]` excludes nothing
  # `template` is optional
  template: | 
    This {type} just came in


You can define a constant var by providing value field only

  - name: my-constant
    value: my constant value

Basic Usage

Simple capture examples.

- name: notification
  - name: slack
    channel: my-channel
  - name: type
    jsonpath: $..Type
    # include anything
    includes: ['.*']
    # exclude empty
    excludes: ['^$']
  template: |
    This {type} just came in

Advanced Regex

Match Part of String ()

- name: console_login
  - name: slack
    channel: my-channel
  - name: detail-type
    jsonpath: $..detail-type
    includes: ['AWS Console Sign In via CloudTrail']
    excludes: ['^$']
  - name: user
    jsonpath: $..principalId
    # Match part of string
    includes: ['.*:(.*)']
    excludes: ['^$']
  - name: account
    jsonpath: $..account
    includes: ['.*']
    excludes: ['^$']    
  template: |
    Yo! {user} just signed in to {account}.

Match in String with Group Name

Use (?P<variable_name>) to capture patterns within the matched field.

This will override any naming collisions with vars:name you set in the yaml. It merges the rule vars with matched name(s) declared in the regex where named regex take precedence

- name: console_login
  - name: slack
    channel: my-channel
  - name: detail-type
    jsonpath: $..detail-type
    includes: ['AWS Console Sign In via CloudTrail']
    excludes: ['^$']
  - name: user
    jsonpath: $..principalId
    # Match part of string with variable names
    includes: ['(?P<stuff>.*):(?P<user>.*)']
    excludes: ['^$']
  - name: account
    jsonpath: $..account
    includes: ['.*']
    excludes: ['^$']    
  template: |
    Yo! {user} just signed in to {account}. This {stuff} was before the user.

Lambda Example

Since jsonrouter started from an AWS Lambda SNS parsing project it has a jsonify_string method that converts the SNS message field from a sting to a nested dict.

import json
import yaml

from jsonrouter import JsonMatchEngine, jsonify_string

def slack(webhook):
    # whatever logic you want in here

with open('rules.yaml', 'r') as f:
    configs = yaml.safe_load(f)

registered_routers = {
    'slack': slack

eng = JsonMatchEngine(configs, registered_routers)

def handler(event, context):
    # Main lambda handler function


# local tests run from root of project
python3 -m pytest -v
# to see print output use `-s`
python3 -m pytest -v -s