
RESTful Services string to CamelCase Converter using GoLang

Primary LanguageGo

RESTful Services string to CamelCase Converter using GoLang

String to CamelCase coverter using Word Break Dynamic Programming Approach


  1. All the words of the english alphabet have size greater than 3. Else Accuracy is very poor.
  2. dictionary API is essential.
  3. Pre-requisites are installed, environment is setup and if using Azure, knowledge of Creating containerized applications using Azure AppServices or creating container instance


  1. dictionaryapi.go: CamelCase coversion
  2. jsonops.go : Class for Handling JSON Operations for RESTful Services
  3. main.go : Go RESTful webservice running on port 80
  4. CamelCase.json : JSON file used for File Storage during RESTful Services Operations
  5. converter.go : Implementation from String case to CamelCase conversion.


API Setup


<> : Mandatory Parameter and [] : Option Parameter

Using in Physical Machines
root@localhost $ git clone https://github.com/sribs/CamelCase  
root@localhost $ go get github.com/gorilla/mux && go get github.com/sribs/CamelCase
root@localhost $ cd /path/to/CamelCase/; CamelCase <Dictionary API Endpoint> [<Application ID> <Application Key>]
Using Containers Commandline
root@localhost $ docker run sriharshabs/golangcamelcaseapi:test rest <Dictionary API Endpoint> [<Application ID> <Application Key>]
Using Azure Container Instance or Azure AppService
Please follow the Portal On Screen Instructions

API Testing

  1. To get all CamelCase strings,
  2. To perform a GET or DELETE for a particular string,<strname>
  3. To perform a POST for a particular string,<strname>/<minlength>. minlength is a parameter that will greatly affect accuracy. To get good accuracy provide minlength=min(length of the valid subset word). This is mandatory
  4. For Dictionary Endpoint, here is another API: http://flaskenglishdict.centralus.azurecontainer.io/api/<word>


root@LinuxDebugging:/home/sribs/CamelApp/docker/golang# curl -vvv
*   Trying
* Connected to ( port 80 (#0)
> GET /camelcase HTTP/1.1
> Host:
> User-Agent: curl/7.47.0
> Accept: */*
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
< Date: Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:18:40 GMT
< Content-Length: 46
< Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
* Connection #0 to host left intact