Code Innovate - MySQL Flask App

Directory Structure

$ tree
├── docker_img
│   ├── Dockerfile
│   ├──
│   └── requirements.txt
├── k8s
│   ├── flask-app
│   │   ├── flask-mysql-svc.yaml
│   │   └── flask-mysql.yaml
│   └── mysql
│       ├── mysql-pvc.yaml
│       ├── mysql.yaml
│       └──

Create Docker Flask Image

  • Goto the docker_img directory
  • Run the docker build with a tag for your repo
$ docker build . --no-cache -t<tenancy-namespace>/<flask-mysql-proj>/<flask-mysql-app>:v1

Push to Repo

  • Push to the Repo
$ docker login
username: <tenancy-namespace>/<user-id>
password: AuthKey

Create MySQL deployment

  • Goto k8s/mysql directory
  • Create the PVC with storage class
kubectl -f mysql-pvc.yaml
  • Create the MySQL Deployment (db password inside mysql.yaml)
kubectl -f mysql.yaml
  • Login to MySQL with mysql-client and create db and tables and entries
kubectl run -it --rm --image=mysql:5.6 --restart=Never mysql-client -- mysql -h mysql -p'<password>'
  • Look at k8s/mysql/ file to db info and command
    • db name is test_db
    • table name is test-table
    • table with: id, firstname and lastname

Create Flask App and Service

  • Go to k8s/flask-app
  • Create kubernetes OCI secret
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry ocirsecret --docker-server=<region-key> --docker-username='<tenancy-namespace>/<oci-username>' --docker-password='<oci-auth-token>' --docker-email='<email-address>'
  • Edit the flask-mysql.yaml file to the correct docker image name<your-tenancy>/<your-registry>/<your-image-name>:tag
  • Deploy the App and Service
$ kubectl apply -f flask-mysql-svc.yaml -f flask-mysql.yaml
  • Get the LB IP
$ kubectl get svc

Test the output

  • Open Port 80 on the LB Public Subnet's Security List
  • Test the Pod using kubectl exec
$ kubectl exec <pod-name> -- curl  -s localhost/users | jq .
    "firstname": "john",
    "id": 1,
    "lastname": "doe"
    "firstname": "jane",
    "id": 2,
    "lastname": "doe"
    "firstname": "bob",
    "id": 3,
    "lastname": "smith"
  • Curl the Public Load Balancer IP
curl <lb-public-ip>/users