
A proof-of-concept demo of Bolero serverless SPA running on GitHub Pages using WebAssembly

Primary LanguageF#

A statically hosted (serverless) Bolero F# app demonstrating the use of .NET API (HttpClient) from the web browser. Specifically it talks to GitHub to display the information for the given GitHub user.

i.e., use F# (no JavaScript!) to create statically hosted sites but with dynamic behaviour and running in WebAssembly: https://srid.github.io/fsharp-wasm-static-demo/

See Blazor WebAssembly for details on the runtime and programming model.

Running locally

dotnet watch -p .\src\GitHubUser\GitHubUser.fsproj run --urls http://localhost:3000

Full build

dotnet publish -c Release --self-contained -o out

Serve the out/wwwroot directory statically using your web server of choice, or use GitHub Pages to deploy them directly from CI (see .github/workflows/dotnet.yml in this repo).