
Simple contacts application to illustrate the sticky header recycler view

Primary LanguageJava


This Contacts application is build using the Android Jetpack architecture components, following are the components used.

  1. Navigation Component The reason to use this component is, it gave a clean abstraction when navigating between fragment, and alleviated the codes to do the fragment transaction and maintain back-stack.

  2. Retrofit Tons of reason to choose this component, but to brief. It takes care of all the boilerplate code to do the asynchronous network operation, serialization , de-serialization and etc.

  3. LiveData The reason is obvious, didn't want to create a lot's of callback and stuck in callback hell. LiveData made the observation to the dataset painless, and it's lifecycle aware.

  4. Room Again lots of reason to choose this, couple of them are, this goes well with LiveData, we can harness the power of SQL, and table creation from the class structure.