
Tic-tac-toe game from markdown file. This is a learning attempt to see how interactive Github readme file can be. Checkout the backend code here. https://github.com/sridhar-sp/tic-tac-toe-backend


Tic-tac-toe game from markdown file.


I'm using a free tier cloud server for backend, since it's free tier, the server will shutdown after some amount of inactivity, so If you don't see the tic-tac-toe board rendered below, wait for a 30-45 seconds and refresh the page.

  • You are player 'X' and player 'O' is computer.
  • Press any empty box to begin the game play or click 'Let computer play first' button.
  • Single game play shared with the entire internet so if you see a finished game click 'restart'. Read more
  • For every move the screen reload to render the board. Have fun.
  • Disclaimer: This project uses a free-tier server, so after 15 minutes of inactivity, the server goes to sleep. If you don't see the tic-tac-toe board rendered, then it means the server is sleeping. Try again in 1 minute. The server should be up and running.

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