
A script to help figure out commute times between work and home

Primary LanguagePython


A script to help figure out commute times between work and home. Built using python 3.4.


You'll need to get an api key from google to use their distance matrix api. Once you get the api key, enter the public key into the commute_config.ini. Also enter your home address and work address into the config file.


Run the flightplan application, python flight_plan.py and you will get two files, to_work.csv and from_work.csv. Each file will have details about the trip time using the best guess model to return the duration in traffic for each commute's starting time. Right now the commute times are hard coded as starting at 6:30am in the morning until 10am and returning from 4pm in the afternoon until 10pm, M-F. Travel duration is calculated in 10 minute increments of the starting time.


  • The date of the query is hardcoded
  • the start/end times for the to and from work locations are hardcoded
  • the output is in csv, but should be output to a database
  • it would be cool to have this setup as a service that emails the flight plan to you about 20 minutes in advance