
Simple app that gets gcal calendar entries and creates an attendance poll for predefined attendees

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • Simple polling app.
  • Syncs with gcal.
  • Hosted on Heroku.


setting up local postgres db

Make sure you have postgresql installed for your environment. See Ubuntu instructions here

$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Optionally install a handy GUI:

$ sudo apt-get install pgadmin3

Create a local database named mylocaldb

$ sudo -u postgres psql postgres
postgres=# \password postgres
$ sudo -u postgres createdb mylocaldb

Setup app

Setup virtualenv. If it's not installed on your system follow instructions from here

$ sudo apt-get install python-virtualenv

In a terminal run

> cd gcal-poll

> virtualenv venv
> . venv/bin/activate
> pip install -r requirements.txt
> export DATABASE_URL='postgres://postgres:<password>@localhost/mylocaldb'

Init db

Setup db schema

> python manage_db.py db upgrade

Setup gcal credentials

We'll need to add google calendar credentials.

Setup an OAUTH Service account. Make sure you give the service account access to the calendar.

Set the content of the downloaded credentials as an ENV var for testing.

> export GCLIENT_DATA=`cat client_secret.json`
> export CALENDAR_ID=<your_calendar_address>

Run the app

> python app.py

The local server should be available at http://localhost:5000