
TensorFlow2.x implementation of RetinaNet

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This work is supported by Cloud TPUs from Google's TPU Research Cloud (TRC)


  • Distributed training on multiple GPUs
  • Stable training with Automatic Mixed Precision (~2.5x faster compared to fp32)
  • Training on TPU and TPU pods
  • Export saved_model
  • COCO mAP evaluation callback
  • Fine tuning on custom datasets
  • Continuous evaluation on separate instance
  • All NMS variants: combined, per class soft/hard, global soft/hard
  • Batched inference
  • Moving Average Optimizer
  • FPN feature fusion modes sum, fast_attention, fast_channel_attention
  • Efficientnet family of backbones
  • MobileDet family of backbones
  • Anchor optimization for custom datasets
  • Logging to Discord server
  • Export TF-TensorRT model
  • Export as ONNX model
  • Build and export TensorRT engine
  • Post training INT8 quantization with TensorRT
  • 8bit Quantization Aware Training with Q/DQ layers [WIP]
  • TF-lite NMS op
  • Export TF-lite model


config schedule coco2017 mAP IoU=0.50:0.95 GPU TF FP32 TF-TensorRT FP32 TF-TensorRT FP16 TF-TensorRT INT8
resnet50-640x640 30x 0.403 Tesla V100 SXM2 16GB 25.0 ms (40.5 FPS) 19.0 ms (52.6 FPS) 11.0 ms (90.1 FPS) 10.7 ms (93.4 FPS)
resnet50-640x640 30x 0.403 Tesla T4 16GB 59.0 ms (16.9 FPS) 46.0 ms (21.7 FPS) 19.5 ms (51.2 FPS) ...

Note: Tesla V100 has no native support for INT8 acceleration with tensor cores, this causes TensorRT to switch the format of certain layers from INT8 to FP16 if it achieves faster execution in FP16. This explains the significantly low speed-up for INT8 when compared to FP32.

Getting Started


  • Use prepare_coco_dataset.sh to download the COCO2017 dataset and create the tfrecords.
  • If you plan to train on Google Cloud TPU, upload the coco_tfrecords folder to your Google Cloud Storage bucket.
  • python3 -m retinanet --config_path configs/v3-32/mscoco-retinanet-resnet50-640x640-3x-256.json --log_dir logs --alsologtostderr --is_multi_host to train, you should now be able to see logs similar to this. (use --is_multi_host only when training on TPU Pods)
I0119 06:09:24.804542 140235606591296 main.py:82] Running on 32 replicas
I0119 06:09:24.885937 140235606591296 trainer.py:69] Setting up model for train
I0119 06:09:52.733288 140235606591296 resnet.py:352] Initialized weights from gs://tfrc_datasets/resnet50/imagenet-ckpt
I0119 06:10:10.742130 140235606591296 builder.py:20] Trainable weights: 285
I0119 06:10:10.742389 140235606591296 builder.py:25] Freezing initial weights
I0119 06:10:10.749390 140235606591296 builder.py:32] Trainable weights after freezing: 252
I0119 06:10:10.879731 140235606591296 builder.py:43] Initial l2_regularization loss 0.4231932759284973
I0119 06:10:11.012778 140235606591296 builder.py:78] Total trainable parameters: 33,865,815
I0119 06:10:11.013074 140235606591296 trainer.py:96] Setting up train dataset
I0119 06:10:11.064891 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:34] Found 257 train tfrecords matching gs://tfrc_datasets/coco_tfrecords/train*
W0119 06:10:11.074972 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:50] [Worker ID 0] Using 65/257 train tfrecords
I0119 06:10:11.075413 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:57] [Worker ID 0] Using per_replica batch_size of 8 for train
I0119 06:10:12.979864 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:34] Found 257 train tfrecords matching gs://tfrc_datasets/coco_tfrecords/train*
W0119 06:10:12.989384 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:50] [Worker ID 1] Using 64/257 train tfrecords
I0119 06:10:12.989683 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:57] [Worker ID 1] Using per_replica batch_size of 8 for train
I0119 06:10:13.460913 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:34] Found 257 train tfrecords matching gs://tfrc_datasets/coco_tfrecords/train*
W0119 06:10:13.471797 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:50] [Worker ID 2] Using 64/257 train tfrecords
I0119 06:10:13.472265 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:57] [Worker ID 2] Using per_replica batch_size of 8 for train
I0119 06:10:13.941818 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:34] Found 257 train tfrecords matching gs://tfrc_datasets/coco_tfrecords/train*
W0119 06:10:13.952078 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:50] [Worker ID 3] Using 64/257 train tfrecords
I0119 06:10:13.952428 140235606591296 input_pipeline.py:57] [Worker ID 3] Using per_replica batch_size of 8 for train
I0119 06:10:14.383789 140235606591296 trainer.py:128] Looking for existing checkpoints in gs://tfrc_datasets/model_files/retinanet-640-6x-256-tpu-pod
W0119 06:10:14.452945 140235606591296 trainer.py:146] No existing checkpoints found in gs://tfrc_datasets/model_files/retinanet-640-6x-256-tpu-pod,                 running model in train mode with random weights initialization!
I0119 06:10:14.489678 140235606591296 trainer.py:289] Starting training from step 0 for 33750 steps with 200 steps per execution
I0119 06:10:14.489963 140235606591296 trainer.py:291] Saving checkpoints every 10000 steps in gs://tfrc_datasets/model_files/retinanet-640-6x-256-tpu-pod
I0119 06:10:14.490106 140235606591296 trainer.py:108] Setting up summary writer
I0119 06:10:14.491234 140235606591296 trainer.py:113] Writing summaries to gs://tfrc_datasets/tensorboard/retinanet-640-6x-256-tpu-pod
I0119 06:10:17.358940 140235606591296 tpu.py:1259] Automatic outside compilation is enabled. Ops without XLA kernels will be automatically placed on CPU.
I0119 06:10:55.354405 140235606591296 tpu.py:1259] Automatic outside compilation is enabled. Ops without XLA kernels will be automatically placed on CPU.
I0119 06:11:38.859327 140235606591296 tpu.py:1259] Automatic outside compilation is enabled. Ops without XLA kernels will be automatically placed on CPU.
I0119 06:12:10.568544 140235606591296 tpu.py:1259] Automatic outside compilation is enabled. Ops without XLA kernels will be automatically placed on CPU.
I0119 06:16:43.704283 140235606591296 trainer.py:344] [global_step 200/33750] [ETA: 17:19:16] [137.74 imgs/s] {'box-loss': 0.007, 'class-loss': 0.694, 'weighted-loss': 1.029, 'l2-regularization': 0.419, 'total-loss': 1.448, 'gradient-norm': 4.354, 'execution-time': 371.72, 'learning-rate': 0.069}
I0119 06:17:23.686627 140235606591296 trainer.py:344] [global_step 400/33750] [ETA: 01:50:14] [1290.65 imgs/s] {'box-loss': 0.006, 'class-loss': 0.547, 'weighted-loss': 0.84, 'l2-regularization': 0.407, 'total-loss': 1.246, 'gradient-norm': 4.103, 'execution-time': 39.67, 'learning-rate': 0.132}
I0119 06:18:04.471802 140235606591296 trainer.py:344] [global_step 600/33750] [ETA: 01:52:19] [1259.22 imgs/s] {'box-loss': 0.006, 'class-loss': 0.509, 'weighted-loss': 0.791, 'l2-regularization': 0.388, 'total-loss': 1.18, 'gradient-norm': 3.857, 'execution-time': 40.66, 'learning-rate': 0.195}

Running Inference

# Populate image paths
image_dir = '../val2017'
image_paths = sorted(glob(image_dir + '/*'))

print('Found {} images in {}'.format(len(image_paths), image_dir))

# Load label mapping
with open('coco_label_map.json', 'r') as f:
    label_map = json.load(f)

# Load `saved_model`
model = tf.saved_model.load(

prepare_image_fn = model.signatures['prepare_image']  # get concrete function for preprocessing images
serving_fn = model.signatures['serving_default']  # get concrete function for running the model

idx = 4348
image = read_image(image_paths[idx])
serving_input = prepare_image_fn(image=image)
tik = time()
detections = serving_fn(serving_input['image'])
toc = time()

valid_detections = detections['valid_detections'][0].numpy()
boxes = detections['boxes'][0][:valid_detections].numpy()
classes = [
    for idx in detections['classes'][0][:valid_detections].numpy()
scores = detections['scores'][0][:valid_detections].numpy()

#  Visualize detections
                     title='Image: {}'.format(idx),

print('Inference time: {:.2f} ms'.format((toc - tik) * 1000))



loss curves

Author = {Tsung-Yi Lin and Priya Goyal and Ross Girshick and Kaiming He and Piotr Dollár},
Title = {Focal Loss for Dense Object Detection},
Year = {2017},
Eprint = {arXiv:1708.02002},
