
100 Days of Android

Primary LanguageKotlin

100 Days of Android

This repo is used to track 100 days of Android.

Day 1

Day 1 is for setting up, where I create an activity that allows me to launch the sub-app for each day's activity. A list view in an activity is enough.

What I learnt

  • Different views, used LinearLayout, TextView and ConstraintLayout
  • Creating lists in Kotlin (listOf can take generic type parameters instead of inference)
  • How to use ArrayAdapter to easily create ListViews with content
  • Kotlin generics (Especially out condition to specify upper bounds)
  • !! operator can be used to annotate a type that it is not nullable
  • The Elvis operator (?:) of Kotlin that can be used to provide alternative if in case of null
  • Creating an Intent and using startActivity() to start another activity

Day 2

The plan is to create a photo gallery with Grid layout manager and RecyclerView.

What I learnt

  • Different views like RecyclerView and CardView
  • How to use RecyclerView as a GridView
  • Kotlin inner classes, and how they are different from Java's inner classes
  • Kotlin's let, with, apply and also functions
  • Kotlin function expressions
  • Using images stored as drawables

Day 3

This time I plan to learn picking images using an Intent, and display it in an ImageView. The idea is to find the path from the picker, read it into a Bitmap and show that in an ImageView.

What I learnt

  • Creating intent with a type and action
  • Chooser intents
  • Responding to result of another activity with onActivityResult
  • Using android:layout_weight attribute to fill available space
  • Two ways of reading a bitmap from a URI using ImageDecoder and MediaStore
  • Function references in Kotlin
  • Kotlin's @Suppress annotation
  • Launching an activity using Ctrl+Shift+F10 is possible if android:exported="true" is specified

Day 4

Today I wanted to explore fragments. The idea is to have a fragment that shows content, and have menu in the activity to send events to the fragment.

What I learnt

  • Fragments and their lifecycle. A shout-out to xxv/android-lifecycle for the diagram reference
  • Using the fragment support manager. We can also use the <fragment> tag in XML, but save it for later
  • Creating menu resources
  • Array resource files. Learned about string arrays are typed arrays
  • Creating a Spinner in a MenuItem
  • Kotlin's lateinit keyword allowing to initialize a value later
  • Scrolling with ScrollView

Day 5, 6 and 7

I couldn't continue because of work. But still, I'm glad that I used fragments in real work, which I learnt of Day 4. My reading has continued though.

What I learnt

  • Maps in Kotlin. I have modified the launcher to show customized text instead of simply displaying the activity name.
  • Type aliases. Use them to shorten out types. Would've been better if local or scoped aliases are supported though.
  • Using tools:ignore in layout XML files.

Day 8

A few days were spent in work and other personal stuff. Now am resuming the day 8, and today's plan is to do the Image Picker part 2, where instead of picking from the gallery, we take from camera.

What I learnt

  • How to invoke the Camera app via intent, and to take a thumbnail
  • How to ask the Camera app to write to a file (not shown in Gallery)
  • Using the Android's FileProvider class
  • How content providers work in Android
  • Kotlin's built-in Pair generic data class
  • Kotlin's string-interpolation
  • Using radio buttons in menu items
  • How Permissions work in Android and how features are used by the Play Store
  • Using XML resources in Android
  • Using Lambdas and Function References to create delegates (Idea from C#)