
Code for coursera data science capstone project

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Repo for Coursera Data Science Capstone Course Project

The goal of this exercise is to create a product to highlight the prediction algorithm that you have built and to provide an interface that can be accessed by others. For this project you must submit:

  1. A Shiny app that takes as input a phrase (multiple words) in a text box input and outputs a prediction of the next word.
  2. A slide deck consisting of no more than 5 slides created with R Studio Presenter (https://support.rstudio.com/hc/en-us/articles/200486468-Authoring-R-Presentations) pitching your algorithm and app as if you were presenting to your boss or an investor.

This repository contains the ui.R and server.R files for the developed Shiny Application as well as the RStudio Presenter files for the Data Science Capstone Course Project.

The developed Shiny app for the the assignment is available at: https://sriharshams.shinyapps.io/data-science-capstone/

The pitch presentation is available at: http://rpubs.com/sriharshams/capstone

The source coude files and presentation files are available on the GitHub repo: https://github.com/sriharshams/coursera-data-science-capstone