
A list of lessons talking about javascript fundamental

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Javascript Course Agenda

S1 - Introduction to JS


  • Use const for unchanged variable
  • Use let for changing variable
  • Don't use the old var


  • number
  • string
  • boolean
  • object: Math, Number, String, Array, Date, Symbol, ...
  • symbol
  • null vs undefined


S2 - Data types


  • Two types of numbers: integer and float
  • Infinite and NaN
  • How to write a number with many zeroes
  • Operators
  • Imprecise calculation: toFixed()
  • Convert number to string: toString()
  • Parse a string to number: parseInt(), parstFloat()
  • Math library
    • Rouding: Math.round(), Math.floor(), Math.ceil(), Math.trunc()
    • Min, max: Math.min(), Math.max()
    • Random: Math.random()


  • Single or double quoted
  • Using backticks for formating string, span multiple lines
  • Escape ' " back slash
  • String length
  • Strings are immutable
  • Access to characters, loop through all characters in a string: for...of
  • Changing case: toLowerCase(), toUpperCase()
  • Searching a substring: indexOf(), lastIndexOf()
  • Check if contains a substring: includes, startsWith, endsWith
  • Get a substring: slice, substring
  • String comparison
  • Split string into chunks by delimeter

S3 - Array

  • What is array?
  • How to create an array?
  • How to loop through each item in array?
  • How to add/remove an item?
  • How to find an item?
  • What is split and join?
  • Some cool method?

S4 - Object

  • What is object?
  • Example of an object?
  • What is JS built-in object?
  • Loop through all properties of an object
  • Clone object
  • ES6 arrow function
  • Rest operator and spread operator in object and array
  • Introduction to OOP
  • Class properties and method
  • Inheritance
  • Polymorphism
  • Some examples: Shape, Rectangle, Circle

S5 - Introduction to DOM

  • Introduction to DOM
  • Simple todo app: render a list of todo (simple text) and remove a todo when click on a todo.

S6 - DOM in practice - TODO App

  • Build a full CRUD TODO App
  • Add a new todo
  • Update a todo
  • Remove a todo
  • Render list of todo

S7 - Tic tac toe game

  • How to use DOM to build a tic tac toe game

S8 - Promise

  • Callback
  • Sync and Async code
  • Promise

S9 - Working with API

  • Promise vs Async await
  • Calling API via fetch
  • Setup fetchClient
  • Setup baseApi
  • Setup postApi
  • Use postApi to fetch a post data and render post detail page

S10 - Support

  • Final project guideline & support