
A bot that plays typeracer for you. Written in Python version 3.6


First, make sure you install the required libraries.

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then install Tesseract-OCR and confirm that pytesseract is working.


In order to run the code, first go to typeracer. Then, hit "Enter a typing race" and wait for the game to start.

Make sure that you have a command prompt open and are ready to run the code. The words "change display format," "main menu (leave race)," and "wpm" should be visible on your screen.

Once the game starts, quickly switch to command prompt, run

python bot.py

and switch back to the typeracer screen within two seconds of running the code. You can change this delay by changing the DELAY variable in bot.py.

High score

My high score so far is 267, let me know if you do better! Shoot me an email at srikarg89@gmail.com.