Popular TV Series App

Home Screen With Pagination Series Detail Search Sort

A Kotlin-based Android app that showcases popular TV series using a clean architecture pattern. The app features an infinite scrolling grid of TV series, detailed information about each series, and functionality for pagination and error handling.


  • Infinite Scrolling: Load TV series data dynamically as the user scrolls.
  • Detailed View: Display detailed information about each TV series, including poster image, overview, release date, rating, and popularity.
  • Search and Sort: Search and sort TV series by name or rating.
  • Error Handling: Display appropriate messages for loading errors.

Libraries and Tools

  • Jetpack Compose: For building the UI with a declarative approach.
  • Coil: For image loading and caching.
  • Flow: For handling reactive data streams.
  • Room: For local database storage of TV series data.
  • Retrofit: For network operations and API interactions.


The app follows the clean architecture principles, separating concerns into distinct layers:

  • UI Layer: Composed of @Composable functions that render the app's user interface.
  • ViewModel Layer: Manages UI-related data and state, performs business logic, and interacts with repositories.
  • Repository Layer: Handles data operations and provides data to the ViewModel.
  • Data Layer: Consists of API interfaces and local database entities for data storage and retrieval.


  1. Clone the repository:
    git clone https://github.com/your-username/popular-tv-series-app.git
  2. Open the project in Android Studio.
  3. Sync the project with Gradle files and build the project.
  4. Run the app on an emulator or physical device.


  • Main Screen: Displays a grid of TV series. Use the search bar to filter series and the sort option to reorder them.
  • Detail Screen: Provides detailed information about a selected TV series.


Feel free to submit issues or pull requests. Contributions are welcome!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

Developed by

Srinath - srinathdev.me