
This repository contains code for an interactive dashboard that analyzes the transactions and users data of PhonePe, an Indian digital payments platform. Link for web application:

Components of the Dashboard

The dashboard consists of three main components:

  1. Geo-Visualization: This component displays an interactive map of India that shows the total transactions of PhonePe at state level. Users can zoom in on the map and hover over a state or district to view related information. The map is created using Plotly's choropleth functions, and users can input the year and quarter to view how the data has changed over time.

  2. Transactions Analysis corresponding to States, Districts and Pincodes: This component analyzes the transactions data for States, Districts and Pincodes, and provides the result of top 10 transactions for selected fields in year and quarter.

  3. Transactions based on payment types: This component displays the transaction type including transaction count.